About us

We have a solution for almost every issue your facing regarding your transport equipment.
APNS Solutions was founded in 2016 by Arjan Nagelhout and was previous known as APN Services. With more than 10 years experience world wide and almost 20 years of experience in total in the transport industry, we are confident that we can find a solution regarding the issues you are facing.
Projects such as changing suspension cylinder seals at -35 in the North of Canada, to supervising 5200 ton loads on SPMT’s in Australia, and everything in between, gave APNS Solutions the experience and knowledge to build the company it is today.
We are a young and motivated team that is willing to grow to the demands we are facing, our strength is our flexibility. Not only can we supply the parts you need for your transport equipment, we also can come fix it, operate it, maintain it and train your staff how to use it. Because we have a large network world wide we can even help you looking for particular accessories, complete trailers or other requirements regarding the heavy transport industry.